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There are a lot of television and streaming media newsletters in the market right now, but Too Much TV is distinctive for several reasons:

* Unlike most industry newsletters, Too Much TV is completely free. Five days a week, you’ll receive an informed look at the issues that are important in the media. Author Rick Ellis has more than twenty years experience writing about television, ranging from being a financial news reporter that focuses on the media to a freelance writer that was published in a number of publications, including The Hollywood Reporter.

Now based in the Twin Cities, Rick founded and runs AllYourScreens.com, one of the largest independent media new sites. With more than 2.4 million unique visitors, he provides a unique look at the world of television and streaming, through the eyes of someone who knows the business, but also lives closest to its customers.

His TooMuchTV newsletter also provides a unique point of view on the industry and the trends shaping the future. One network head recently described it as “an essential part of my news diet.”

While TooMuchTV is free to everyone, there is also a paid option for those people who are able to financially support the effort and help keep the newsletter free for everyone.

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Founder of AllYourScreens.com and the TooMuchTV newsletter. rick@allyourscreens.com