Hardly the most substantial of topics from this edition of the newsletter, but I do disagree with your point on dropping all episodes at once instead of weekly. While I realize that this is pure anecdote, I do see things the exact opposite way of you.
I think that the binge release is fine for bigger shows, but smaller ones tend to be forgotten. I tend to have just a couple binge release series going at once. With so much releasing, if I do not catch a smaller series right when it drops, there will be no additional reminders that it exists thereafter. Additionally, even when I am excited by a series, it is far more daunting to try to fit in a series which has all of its episodes ready to watch, than just to find time to watch one episode of a new series this week and hopefully find that time again each week after. Additionally, I use an app to tell me when new episodes are available of shows and it only displays them as new for the first week after release, so if I do not start them by that time, then they likely get lost. If I was able to find time to watch that one episode of a weekly release last week, then the next new one will pop up in the app and reduce the likelihood that I forget.
Hardly the most substantial of topics from this edition of the newsletter, but I do disagree with your point on dropping all episodes at once instead of weekly. While I realize that this is pure anecdote, I do see things the exact opposite way of you.
I think that the binge release is fine for bigger shows, but smaller ones tend to be forgotten. I tend to have just a couple binge release series going at once. With so much releasing, if I do not catch a smaller series right when it drops, there will be no additional reminders that it exists thereafter. Additionally, even when I am excited by a series, it is far more daunting to try to fit in a series which has all of its episodes ready to watch, than just to find time to watch one episode of a new series this week and hopefully find that time again each week after. Additionally, I use an app to tell me when new episodes are available of shows and it only displays them as new for the first week after release, so if I do not start them by that time, then they likely get lost. If I was able to find time to watch that one episode of a weekly release last week, then the next new one will pop up in the app and reduce the likelihood that I forget.