Just to add to your case against the 22-ep season for a streamer: remember that scripted network and cable shows were deficit financed, meaning that the network/channel paid a license fee per episode that was less than what it cost to produce the episode - the only reason studios would go into debt for long seasons was because if it was a hit they would make huge bank in syndication & global rights (and having lots of episodes was pure profit). But streaming platforms typically pay "cost plus" per episode, covering production costs plus a modest profit - making the cost of a long season huge for the platform, especially since it's unlikely to get any direct revenue off the series even if it's a hit. Arguably AVOD and FAST platform have incentive for longer seasons, as that's more real estate to sell ads, but I don't think there's enough revenue in those ads to justify it (yet).

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Is the Motor Trend linear channel going away? My dad will be pissed if so...

Thanks for the coverage as always

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As far as I know, the linear channel is staying. At least for now. The linear channel has really only been a place to air stuff licensed for the SVOD and it's been ages since anything new was produced for the network. So I suspect it will be another one of WBD's zombie networks. Lots of reruns and old programming.

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Thanks, just the way my dad likes it....

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