For correction an EO is DEFINITELY law. As are rules and regulations promulgated by agencies, until suspended or overturned by a court.
Legislation is only one source of law. The constitution vests much law power in the executive as does Congress via statute. Even the Judiciary has sources of law (common law, natural law).
Thanks for sharing the lawyer feedback! It's super interesting and good to know what legally is possible because without knowing the law it does seem a bit hopeless.
Love your newsletter.
For correction an EO is DEFINITELY law. As are rules and regulations promulgated by agencies, until suspended or overturned by a court.
Legislation is only one source of law. The constitution vests much law power in the executive as does Congress via statute. Even the Judiciary has sources of law (common law, natural law).
Thanks for sharing the lawyer feedback! It's super interesting and good to know what legally is possible because without knowing the law it does seem a bit hopeless.